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KURIR: Kingston University Research & Innovation ReportsInstructions for Authors. The publication of Kingston University Research & Innovation Reports (KURIR) is currently underwritten by Kingston University - Faculty of Computing, Information Systems & Mathematics and Kingston University - Learning Resources Centre. Detailed instructions can be found here (PDF format) and must be adhered to. Several general points are detailed below: Types of publication fall into two classes; scientific publications, and White Papers. In the future a section containing theses/dissertations may be established. Please note that the copyright on articles published in KURIR remains with the author(s). Authors are guaranteed that articles published in KURIR will be permanently available to the academic community. However, under exceptional circumstances, publications may be removed, but markers will remain indicating their previous existence. Authors associated in any way with Kingston University and the West Focus HEIs are invited to submit manuscripts for rapid publication. Please submit in the first instance to the acting Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Robert B. Mellor. Potential contributors may also suggest names of potential referees (please enclose their e-mail addresses). The language of the journal is English. Please include in your e-mail a complete list of files and filenames so we can check that the entire manuscript transferred correctly. Submissions should be in Word and upon publication will be converted to PDF format. Submissions in formats other than Word should include the names and versions of the applications used in creating the files, together with the format the files are saved in. Authors who wish to embed interactive or animation technology (such as Chemscape's Chime plug-in or Java applets) into their papers should contact us to discuss the possibilities. Authors are advised to submit articles to KURIR which are likely to be of broad international interest, although articles of interest to the local and business community will not be rejected on those grounds. Only first-class standard articles will be published. The journal reserves the right to reject submitted manuscripts outright which, in the opinion of the Editorial board, do not reach this standard. The submitted article must not have been submitted or published elsewhere. Prospective articles will be peer-reviewed by at least two referees. Once an article has been reviewed and, subject to any necessary revision, deemed acceptable for publication by referees and where necessary members of the journal editorial board, authors will be asked to suggest metadata with a short abstract and key words. The Kingston Library will then organise this to correspond to Dublin Core and the Library of Congress Subject Headings, whereupon it will be published, with an ISSN Number, on the Internet site and where interested parties may access it free of charge. Authors will be made aware of the exact URL their article possesses. Articles are published chronologically, one volume per year, rather than being bundled together in 'disciplines'. Articles can therefore be published with exceptional rapidity (i.e. within a matter of weeks of initial submission). No hard copies of the article are made. Volumes will have continuous pagination and an annual index. KURIR & Kingston University will make every effort to ensure a 24 hour continuity of service. However our guarantee of service does not cover temporary unavailability due to hardware or software faults or due to changes in the terms of access to the World Wide Web / Internet beyond the control of the University. It is proposed that articles will remain available on the Web for a number of years (10). If it becomes necessary or more effective to store and disseminate articles by some other method, then the permission of authors who have published in KURIR under these terms and conditions will be sought before removing the article from the Internet. Formats The main body of text (hard copy or electronic versions) should be presented as single spaced text in one column. The text format should follow the following sequence: Title, Author & Affiliation, Abstract, Abbreviations and Definitions (where appropriate), Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion (or unified as Results & Discussion, where appropriate), Literature. |
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